ICSOB 2024


2nd International Workshop on Advances in Software Intensive Startups (AiSIS)

Software startups research has been established over the past decade, and the body of knowledge accumulated enabled researchers and various startup ecosystem players to better understand and support software startups and entrepreneurs. However, the landscape of software startups is extremely dynamic, unpredictable and even chaotic. The recent substantial developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and generative AI, as well as other technological and societal advances, such as quantum computing and sustainability goals, brought forward both new opportunities and challenges to startups with software intensive products or services which are yet to be fully explored and properly handled.

The AiSIS workshop will create an active forum for researchers and practitioners working on or interested in software startups to discuss and exchange ideas about the latest trends, challenges, and solutions and shape the future research agenda of software startups. The aim of the workshop is to achieve a clearer understanding of how software startups advance in the next decade. The topics listed below are only suggestive and serve to solicit more interesting related topics:

The workshop is planned for one day. It will start with two invited inspirational talks on software startups. Then the workshop organisers will present the book project to which all participants are invited to contribute. The rest of the day will be dedicated to interactive sessions in which the participants will work in small groups to brainstorm on the book chapters they can collaborate on. The workshop will be wrapped up with a plan for continuing collaboration among the participants after the workshop. A Slack workspace will be created for the participants to interact during and after the workshop and share the documents and other resources. If the project goes smoothly, the book will be ready to be presented at the 3rd AiSIS at ICSOB 2025.

To maximize participation in the workshop and the book project, the workshop will be organized in a hybrid mode and open to online participation.

Time and Place

Tuinzaal (Sinkel’s Shop Oudegracht 158, 3511 AZ Utrecht), November 18, 2024

Workshop Organizers

Henry Edison, henry.edison@bth.se, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Nirnaya Tripathi, nirnaya.tripathi@oulu.fi, University of Oulu, Finland

Xiaofeng Wang, xiaofeng.wang@unibz.it, Free University of Bolzano, Italy