ICSOB 2024

Posters – Call for Poster and Demo Submissions

The poster and demo track invites researchers and practitioners working in software-intensive businesses to submit posters and demonstrations of their research. This track provides an opportunity for presenting early-stage research, innovative concepts, and practical implementations related to the software business. Poster and demo contributions may address any topic within the ICSOB2024 topics. The short papers on the accepted posters and demos will be published through CEUR-WS.

At least one author from each accepted poster or demo must register for the conference and be present during the designated poster/demo sessions.

The best poster and demo will be recognized with an award during the main conference proceedings.

PhD Retreat, Posters & Demos Track papers will be published in the companion proceedings of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3921/


Posters are intended to stimulate face-to-face discussions among conference participants. Submissions may include:

If accepted, you are to create and print your own poster to bring to the conference. The poster should briefly summarise your research. Posters should be A1-sized (594 mm x 841 mm) and in portrait orientation. A good poster should be visually engaging and easy to read from a short distance (1 meter). Use large fonts, clear headings, and a logical layout to guide viewers through your research. Use visual elements and avoid long blocks of text. The goal of the poster is to spark conversation with other attendees!

Participants of the PhD retreat are especially encouraged to submit to the poster track to receive extended feedback from the conference community.


Demonstrations are intended to showcase software business-related topics through:

Submission Guidelines

Proposals are submitted as extended abstracts. The page limit is four (4) pages, including references.

Use the CEUR-ART one-column template for submissions. Templates are available (LaTeX), (Word).

All proposals are submitted through EasyChair.

Poster and demo submissions will be peer-reviewed by two members of the Program Committee through a single-blind review process.

Important Dates

Accepted Papers