ICSOB 2024

Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Software and Society: Ethics, Equity, and Sustainability in Software

Journal’s special issue information page:: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/information-and-software-technology/about/call-for-papers#software-and-society-ethics-equity-and-sustainability-in-software

Software facilitates the vast majority of social, commercial, and governmental interactions in our society. The rules that were once implicit in person-to-person interactions or embedded in municipal bylaws are now codified into a set of instructions that govern how people can interact with organizations or with each other online. At the same time, software grassroots in the form of Free and Open Source Software (FLOSS) and civic technology initiatives are creating new ideas and alternatives. All these changes have introduced significant challenges that question established practices and norms, especially from the perspectives of ethics, equity, and sustainability. Examining the intersection of software and society is critical to informing the ethical, equitable, and sustainable use of information and software technology in the future.

This special issue aims to advance the research field of software and society by collecting high-quality research articles on the latest advances and emerging trends in the field.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

We also welcome submissions that address current issues in the field, such as distributed development practices, software development for citizen sensing platforms, participatory governance software systems, and ethics or bias in AI.

This special issue provides a unique opportunity for researchers and practitioners at the intersection of sustainability and software to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives on the unique challenges and latest advancements in ethics, equity and sustainability that we face in the field of information and software technology. We look forward to receiving your submissions and to publishing cutting-edge research that will inform the future relationship that our society will have with software technology.

Submission Process and Guidelines:

Guest editors:

Important Dates: